PayPal 3.1.2 Error

Hi all,

I get this error message when trying to open the product page and paypal is activated.:

[I]Fatal error: Smarty error: [in page/details/inc/productmain.tpl line 425]: syntax error: mismatched tag {/if}. (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 2338) in /var/www/ on line 1093[/I]

I have really no clue what I can do to fix this. I’ve installed paypal several times, but the problem remains.

Best regards,

can you give us the shop- and php- version?

Hi Volker,

Yes, of course. Shop 4.8.4 and PHP 5.3.15.

Hello Lukas,

the error message is obvious: apparently a closing if-tag in your smarty template is missing.


Hi Marco,

thanks for your reply.

I did unterstand the “mismatched tag {/if}” part, but I have no clue why this error appears. I’ve checked the productmain.tpl there is no line 425. I’ve checked all if-clauses anyway and there was no mismatch.

Also this error only happens when paypal is active.

Where should I look for the missing {/if}?



have a look in metadata.php of the paypal-module. There is given with file(s) extend the template page/details/inc/productmain.tpl.

Hi patchwork,

thanks for your answer.

I’ve found the files, but I didn’t find a solution…I think I need a new and clean shop install…
