I have an issue with paypal checkout. When a customer login into the shop and order using paypal option everything is going fine. But when a customer order as a guest without login into the shop and making a payment using paypal, the shop is directing to paypal and when customer selects pay option the shop is going into maintenance mode. I am not able to figure it out what is the problem. Below are the error logs of paypal and shop. Please, can anyone help me with this?
I am using OXID 6.2.4 and paypal 6.2.0
Shop error log:
[2022-01-26 21:53:01] OXID Logger.ERROR: Call to a member function getEncodedDeliveryAddress() on bool ["[object] (Error(code: 0): Call to a member function getEncodedDeliveryAddress() on bool at /www/htdocs/w00d7012/Physioexpress2020_V6/source/modules/oe/oepaypal/Controller/StandardDispatcher.php:157)\n[stacktrace]\n#0 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/Physioexpress2020_V6/vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Core/Controller/BaseController.php(534): OxidEsales\\PayPalModule\\Controller\\StandardDispatcher->getExpressCheckoutDetails()\n#1 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/Physioexpress2020_V6/vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Core/ShopControl.php(347): OxidEsales\\EshopCommunity\\Core\\Controller\\BaseController->executeFunction('getExpressCheck...')\n#2 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/Physioexpress2020_V6/vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Core/ShopControl.php(280): OxidEsales\\EshopCommunity\\Core\\ShopControl->executeAction(Object(OxidEsales\\PayPalModule\\Controller\\StandardDispatcher), 'getExpressCheck...')\n#3 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/Physioexpress2020_V6/vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Core/ShopControl.php(142): OxidEsales\\EshopCommunity\\Core\\ShopControl->_process('OxidEsales\\\\PayP...', 'getExpressCheck...', NULL, NULL)\n#4 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/Physioexpress2020_V6/vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Core/Oxid.php(27): OxidEsales\\EshopCommunity\\Core\\ShopControl->start()\n#5 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/Physioexpress2020_V6/source/index.php(16): OxidEsales\\EshopCommunity\\Core\\Oxid::run()\n#6 {main}\n"] []
the translation of your error message OEPAYPAL_ERROR_USER_ADDRESS. The error message contains a suggested solution:
'OEPAYPAL_ERROR_USER_ADDRESS' => 'The delivery addresses in your shop account and in PayPal do not match. For security reasons we have to check your identity. Please log in to your shop account and re-start the PayPal Express Checkout.',
Yeah. you are right, there is a conflict between paypal and klarna. When i deactivate the klarna module and try to purchase a product using paypal it is working fine. But when i activate klarna and try to purchase using paypal (which is in klarna checkout) then the shop is breaking.
I have a question regarding the below error. I am getting this below error when i am directly trying to buy from checkout using paypal express. On clicking paypal express, shop is directing to paypal portal after entering the details and on clicking purchase, it is redirecting to shop and showing the below error. Is it expectable? or is it a bug in the shop somewhere?
Case 1: If this setting is set, the customer will be redirected to the shop thankyou page when the order was successful.
Case 2: If this setting is not set, the customer will be redirected to the shop order overview page and must click the Buy button to complete his order.
No, I don’t see a bug from the shop there. As you wrote, the Klarna and PayPal modules do not understand each other.