Hallo habe eine kleine frage bin gerade dabei das Paypal module zu instalieren jetzt stehe ich bei schritt 4 fest!
Installation Steps:
1. Copy the contents of the folder "copy_this" to shop root.
2. Look in the folder "changed_full" if any customized templates are affected, if not just copy content into shop folder.
Note: Please find the changes between the comments 'eb_paypal code starts' and 'eb_paypal code ends'.
3. Go in admin panel to "Extensions -> Modules” and activate the eb_paypal module.
4. Go to the admin panel to “Service->Tools” and execute the below SQL query
INSERT INTO `oxpayments` VALUES ('eb_paypal_payment', 1, 'Paypal',0, 'abs', 0, 0, 0, '',
0, '', '', '', '', '','', '', '', '', '', '',1,'','');
5. Go in admin panel to "Master Settings -> Core settings -> Settings" to configure the extension.
was wird in schritt 4 verlangt verstehe das ganze nicht ??