Problem with function that needs to Return Array from SQL query

Hello everyone, I have a web service that call getActiveCoupons function which has to return extracted data from database table oxvouchers.

So, I have file oxws.php where a function is defined and oxws_article.php where the function is called.
But, I am not able to return an array with extracted data from oxvouchers, because I am receiving following error: Error: Service has no operation ‘getActiveCoupons’.

Any Help?



  • SOAP call to get Active Coupon Codes for products
  • @param string $oxid OXID to get Coupon
  • @return array

function getActiveCoupons($start){
$Coupon = __autoload(‘oxws_articles’);
$Coupons = $Coupon->getActiveCoupons($oxid);
return $Coupons;

array(‘return’ => ‘tns:ActiveCoupons’),
false, false, false


* Function to find Active Coupons
* @return array
public function getActiveCoupons($start)
    $columns='oxvouchernr, oxvoucherserieid, oxid';
    $this->myConfig   = $this->getConfig();
    $this->oDb        = $this->getDb();
    $cQuery = "select".$columns." from oxvouchers";
    return $this->oDb->getArray($cQuery);