Problem with "The metadata key 'constrains' is not supported in metadata version 2.1" in OXID 6.2.0

Hi all!
I tried to install my custom module in new way in OXID 6.2.0:
./vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:install source/modules/{vendor}/{deliverydays}

but OXID throws me:
In MetaDataSchemaValidator.php line 96:
The metadata key “constrains” is not supported in metadata version “2.1”.

Of course I use in module ‘constrains’ key in metadata file ‘settings’ section for ‘select’ setting:
’settings’ => array(
array(‘group’ => ‘groupname’,
’name’ => ‘setting_name’,
’type’ => ‘select’,
’value’ => ‘0’,
’constrains’ => ‘option1|option2|option3’,
’position’ => 2,

Docs says that it should work in metadata 2.1:

Any suggestions?

It’s constraints, not constrains

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Yep you’re right I have bug in code :smiley: Thanks a lot

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