Problem with the payment Configuration

Hello all,
I have using oxid CE 6.2.2 and we have checked the configuration settings available in the module (PayPal and other payment). But, we are unable to save the configuration values.
If I need any special workout using the composer to save the configuration? If anyone has an idea about this please share the details.

Thanks in advance.

check webserver error log for some “permission denied” error. There is a common problem if you run composer as root, in this case the permissions of var folder do not allow webserver to save the module configurations anymore.

Hi vanilla_thunder,

Thanks for your quick response. Now it works as expected after giving permission for var directory.

I need some other favor regarding the setting field custom validation. e.g need to validate the invoice due date field for 14days minimum before saving to database oxconfig.

Thanks in advance.

unfortunately there is no real validation for module configuration params.
Best you can do is either extending module configuration controller and adding your custom validation or creating a whole new controller for configuring your module.

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