Problems with SEO URLs

A friend of mine tried to set up an instance of Oxid Shop for cosmetics. Something he did seems to have messed up the proper generation of article URLs.

He has, for example, an article called “Gentle Eye Make-Up Remover” in category “Facecare”, and the URL generated, which produces a “Not Found” error message, is “Facecare/Gentle”

If I look at the URLs generated for the sample articles, it really should be “Facecare/Gentle-Eye-Make-Up-Remover.html”

Does anyone have an idea what he did to mess this up?

When we edit the URL, click “Fixed URL” and then save, it keeps returning to the wrong, shortened URL which doesn’t find the article.

BTW, he set this up originally with 4.1.2; we upgraded incrementally to 4.1.5, and the behavior does not change.


  • delete the product (at least the title)
  • do not fix the URL and
  • update SEO URLs in core settings.

Let’s see if that helps :wink: