Round all brutto Prices - Module

//integrate the Modul oxprice => test/oxarticleround
class oxarticleround extends oxarticleround_parent
public function getBruttoPrice()
$bPrice = parent::getBruttoPrice();

  $value = round(($bPrice+0.000001)*20)/20;
  return $value;



what shall this be for?


If anyone is interested, this edit is for rounding the prices to the nearest 5 cents. Useful for the CHF swiss currency.
Should be added to the /core/oxprice.php
For those who are not willing to pay 50 bucks for a mod.

     * Returns price depending on mode brutto or netto
     * @return double
    public function getPrice()
        if ( $this->_blNetPriceMode ) {
            return $this->getNettoPrice();
        } else {
       		$value = round(($this->getBruttoPrice()+0.000001)*20)/20;
			return $value;
            /*   return $this->getBruttoPrice();*/

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