Shop offline! for homepage


please could you help me to find the reason why I always get Shop offline!when I go to the home page.
It happens when I put the adress without www or click the logo or Uvod (home)
and this one works:
try clicking the logo also.

I have the correct DNS settings for that.

Thank you very much for help and for what you are doing!

Petr :eek:

works fine for me.



Oh wow! How did you do that? Magic! works now :slight_smile:

If I could ask one more stupid one:
Where can I set that I want the particular categories to be displayed on the home page?
I cant find it in the lessons.

Also, the text I edit in CMS for this doesnt appear on homepage.

Thank you so much!


Seems you have disabled/ removed a lot from the templatefile, maybe the container with the CMS, too?


[{oxcontent ident="<The ident of the CMS page you want to display>"}]



Humm strange, I didnt even open it actually.

Sorry, which file shall I put this line? to start.tpl?

Thank you!

Did you delete everything inside the /tmp - folder (except of a possibly present .htaccess)? Sometimes it helps. And maybe as well in backend -> Service -> Tools -> renew VIEWS ?

ooo thank you so much for the help.
It was really missing there in the start.tpl some if this line :slight_smile:

Regarding the items on the homepage, it can be only added through the promotion menu, right?
Actually, I dont know much how it works, as I put some to be shown and it doesnt and others I deactivate and detach from the items and they are there still…

Thank you guys!
