But it’s much too long to understand with Google translate. Did that thread result in a fine-tuned script? Or are the results of that thread available elsewhere, such as the wiki?
Awesome, thx. I can’t read German, but I can read the code so comparing these two versions should be easy enough. I’ll try 'em out and then post back the results.
Finally got around to this. Found the latest code on GitHub (loving this GitHub stuff) and everything worked beautifully.
I forked the project and plan to make the following changes:
Add news link (this is pretty important search-engine content if updated regularly)
Give product links a higher priority than CMS pages (i find product pages generate more visitors from google than CMS pages so I feel they should given a higher importance relative to what should be crawled)
Add (missing) f option to gzip command otherwise existing files are not overwritten
Add CMSFOLDER_USERINFO back to getCmsSite() otherwise no default CMS content is included.