I updated the neat translation module (mude_translate) available in the eXchange:
The changes allow it to work with 4.5 version of the eShop. In case anybody is interested I’ll attach the updated version to this thread.
To install it, you’ll have to run the following SQL statement:
REPLACE INTO oxtplblocks
(‘mude_base_style’, 1, ‘oxbaseshop’, ‘layout/base.tpl’, ‘base_style’, 2, ‘mude_base_style’, ‘mude_translate’)
And then clear the tmp directory!
If you don’t know how to manipulate the database I think you can use Admin>Service>Tools>SQL to run a SQL command on the db.
Primary change to code was inserting javascript at bottom of <body> section [I]after[/I] the jquery include, rather than throughout the <body> (consequently, [I]before[/I] the jquery include)
Oh no…
In parallel, I was working on the oTranCe web based module for translations on OXID forge.
Maybe these two modules might complement each other?
Is the translate.oxidforge open to the public? Or still WIP? The link leads to a login…
I think more so complement each other. The name of the module is probably a little miss-leading because it’s not much of a translation tool. More just a way for admins to make minor changes to lang constants w/o actually having to edit the files. This way shop owners can make changes w/o needing FTP access to the files.
I am still working on it. Set it up, imported all translations done already, invited translators personally, etc…
I am still in charge of making it public by a blog post, a manual etc…
oTranCe is made for “industrial” translations, meaning of doing the lang keys one by one without looking on it from the GUI site of the shop. Both approaches have their charme, haven’t they?
At the end of the day, all changes should be stored to one single source presumed one want to work with both tools.
If you’re interested, I could show it to you personally. Maybe we could have some brainstorming about it