Hi there,
I am working on translation of language file to NL language for frontend.
I am not sure yet how to implement the language file yet.
Are there more people who are interested in NL language file?
Hi there,
I am working on translation of language file to NL language for frontend.
I am not sure yet how to implement the language file yet.
Are there more people who are interested in NL language file?
Hello Anne,
Are there more people who are interested in NL language file?
Me. And Erik probably More to come automatically
I am not sure yet how to implement the language file yet.
This is pretty simple: Just connect to your shop server via FTP and make a new directory /out/basic/nl/. Copy an existing lang.php file (from /en/) to your new /nl/ directory and translate it.
Now simply install a new language in your admin panel with the abbreviation nl.
If you want to cooperate with other interested people, maybe this page is interesting for you:
Ask me for assistance if you don’t know how to generate a new entry for Dutch.
I just created a new entry for Dutch in /out/basic/nl http://www.oxidforge.org/wiki/Languages/Dutch
I have a list of typing errors for German frontend language. Should I edit the language file in OXIDforge.org/wiki or what should I do with them?
Best Regards,
Hello Anne,
perfect! Thanks a lot! I am sure, many people will appreciate your work!
If you feel fancy, you of course enter your credits to the header of the file like it was done for Portuguese.
I “beautified” the page a bit and entered other sections at the bottom:
I have a list of typing errors for German frontend language. Should I edit the language file in OXIDforge.org/wiki or what should I do with them?
Oops… Yes please. I am observing the file and will be notified about any change
Thanks again!
Hello Marco,
Thank you for your kind reaction.
A) I added my credits to Dutch language file.
B) And I made some minor changes to German language file.
For the following, I did not dare to make the changes. I leave that for you to make the changes:
“Kumulation mit Gutschein nicht erlaubt …”- “Es kann nur ein Gutschein angerechnet werden (oder so)” (suggested by Gisela Germann)
Hello Anne,
[QUOTE=Anne M;24735]A) I added my credits to Dutch language file.
I felt free to veil your e-mail address a bit.
[QUOTE=Anne M;24735]
B) And I made some minor changes to German language file.
Thanks. Although this is kind of embarrassing, we probably went blind to this typos as we are working with the demo version every day…
Thanks a lot