Two checkboxes to be added and validate!

Hi Oxid guys,

I needed two checkboxes for terms and conditions and withdrawal but I was able to add one checkbox through Admin and for other checkbox, there was no option from Admin. The checkbox which was added from admin is getting validated.

Then I added second checkbox in agb.tpl and checkbox is getting displayed. Here is the code:

[{if !$oView->isActive('PsLogin')}]
                [{if $oView->isConfirmAGBActive()}]
                    [{oxifcontent ident="oxrighttocancellegend" object="oContent"}]
                        <p class="agbConfirmation checkbox">
                                <input id="checkAgbTop" type="checkbox" name="ord_agb" value="1"> [{$oContent->oxcontents__oxcontent->value}]
                    [{oxifcontent ident="oxbusinessagb" object="oCont"}]
                        <p class="agbConfirmation checkbox">
                                <input id="checkAgbBns" type="checkbox" name="ord_agb_business" value="1"> [{$oCont->oxcontents__oxcontent->value}]

Then for validation, I went to order.tpl and then I tried adding below code but it didn`t worked…

 [{if $oView->isActive('PsLogin') || !$oView->isConfirmAGBActive()}]
                                    <input type="hidden" name="ord_agb" value="1">
                                    <input type="hidden" name="ord_agb_business" value="1">
                                    <input type="hidden" name="ord_agb" value="0">
                                    <input type="hidden" name="ord_agb_business" value="0">
                                <input type="hidden" name="oxdownloadableproductsagreement" value="0">
                                <input type="hidden" name="oxserviceproductsagreement" value="0">

Kindly request your help…