Unable to install - .htaccess problem

I am struggling to get Oxid installed.

I have added the following to the .htaccess file:

'AllowOverride All"

This just breaks the install - unable to even open the install page.

I have tried changing All to ‘FileInfo’

Same result.

Totally stuck.

Am I missing something here?

All other criteria is OK.

I guess if i can’t install - I can’t assess the software.

Pity (for something that reviews say is very easy to install).



are you using your own .htaccess or did you upload the one provided with the install package?

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The one provided

Maybe your provider does not allow custom .htaccess - files?

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They allow custom .htaccess.

Hey Mike,

“AllowOverride All” is usually not done in .htaccess but in the virtual hosts file. What is the content of your .htaccess now, do you run your own server?


I am using the .htaccess file supplied with Oxid as I have said.

Mike, I read this. The .htaccess provided doesn’t contain the option AllowOverride and it doesn’t belong there:

I also read that you added this option to .htaccess. Who told you that this is the right way to go? IMO, it can’t work.

What is actually the problem using the original .htaccess, what error message do you get?


[QUOTE=Marco Steinhaeuser;143853]Mike, I read this. The .htaccess provided doesn’t contain the option AllowOverride and it doesn’t belong there:

I also read that you added this option to .htaccess. Who told you that this is the right way to go? IMO, it can’t work.

What is actually the problem using the original .htaccess, what error message do you get?


Hi Marco,

I have followed the directions in Oxid wiki for installation:

apache mod_rewrite module

It is required for SEO URLs to work as it offers different URL handling direction to one oxseo.php entry file.
Attention: System health check tests if mod_rewrite works correctly. Even if there is mod_rewrite installed, it might be broken. In that case check fails and is presented ‘red’.
One reason for that often is the setting for AllowOverride in the Apache configuration. The default setting for that changed from Apache version 2.3.8 to version 2.3.9 from
AllowOverride All
AllowOverride None
Make sure that at least
AllowOverride FileInfo
[B]is set so the rewrite rules in the .htaccess file shipped with the shop are used[/B]. See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/core.html#allowoverride for more info on that topic.

As a new user, I rely on some sort of installation guide. Clearly, this advice is wrong?

The .htaccess file uploaded is exactly as the one you pointed me too - it fails at the checking of installation requirements stage.

I am trying a fresh install just once more.

All I’m looking for is a solution to the .htaccess problem.

If I am getting it wrong (following Oxid’s directions) then what is the correct way?



Hey Mike,

aye, I see. Maybe you can check also this blog posts I wrote a while ago:

See the hint with the check.php in the first link? Check if mod_rewrite is running at all on your server. If so, maybe your provider doesn’t allow some certain statements in .htaccess - we’ll find that out :wink:

Usually, the setup is pretty simple, and a documentation can be found here:

Oh - and just a hint: the tutorials you linked to are mostly written by the community, this is not an official documentation provided by OXID. As the environments can be totally different, the solutions for specific problems can be different, too. That’s why, for easy and hassle free installations, we suggest hosting providers that partner with us. Also, if you just want to check the software, we provide several virtual environments (with the necessary requirements) that can be run on your local machine.

Good luck mate!