Hi there, I am developing a module. Using some functions of oxid, overriding some them and writing my new. All was going good but then sudden I start to get the following error.
b>Notice</b>: Undefined property: object_ADOConnection::$fetchMode in <b>D:\wamp\www\oxid_froomerce\core\adodblite\adodbSQL_drivers\mysql\mysql_meta_module.inc</b> on line <b>227</b><br />
I even rolled back my all things but didn’t get rid off this problem. I then went to this class and shocked tosee that "fetchMode " was not defined in that class. I define the variable and it starts working. But this is a wrong way I think. Why should I change the core files and ask user of my module to change in core files? I have seen same problem on this forum but that was related to live servers. I am developing at local host. Can any body tell me what is the error?
One thing imported that I did empty my temp folder and after that I am getting this problem? I read that you can empty the temp folder during development process to implement your changes.
Waiting for immediate response,
Awais Qarni