Unit Testing

I have noticed that although it is advertised that oxid has 94% code coverage with unit tests the unit tests don’t actually come with the software, is there any way to get a hold of those?


that’s a quite interesting question. Let me figure that out and give me a a couple of days for it, alright?


[QUOTE=Marco Steinhäuser;12831]Let me figure that out and give me a a couple of days for it, alright?

… perhaps its interesting to get the template test-units, too. :wink:

Sounds great, get back to me when you know.


see Erik’s blog comment:

We will publish the unit tests sometime in the near feature.


Well dude,
make a video for the infidel, or use new cool skype feature: screenpresentation…
…and publish here :cool:

(wanna have MOOOOOREEE Smilies!!!)

There are big huge discussions out there in the bloggosphere wrapped here:

[QUOTE=Marco Steinhäuser;12992]There are big huge discussions out there in the bloggosphere wrapped here:
Da onanieren ja wieder ein paar “mächtig coole” Leute heftigst herum, und streiten sich um die “reine Lehre”…

Ich kann OXID eigentlich nur beglückwünschen, dass man den Code so gemacht hat, wie er ist…

Pragmatisch, aber dennoch gut strukturiert und erweiterbar.

Da hat man wenigstens die Chance, das einigermaßen schnell zu verstehen…

Und es kann sich eine gute Community von Entwicklern bilden.

Magento kommt dem optimalen theoretischen Modell sicher näher, ist dafür aber für meinen Geschmack zu schwer verdaulich.

Mir graut eigentlich sonst vor nix, wenn es um Software geht, aber Magento habe ich nach einer Woche “in die Tonne getreten”, weil unverständlich und viel zu kompliziert.

Es geht hier sicher nicht um das schönste und reinste Software-Design, sondern um einen (auch aus Entwicklersicht) praxistauglichen Shop.

[QUOTE=Marco Steinhäuser;12992]There are big huge discussions out there in the bloggosphere wrapped here:
Apparently there are some “mighty cool” wise-guys heavily masturbating on that topic, arguing on the “Holy Grail” of PHP development.

I for my part can only compliment OXID AG on doing the code as it is!

Very pragmatic, but nevertheless well structured, and extensible.

So, as a developper, you have at least got a fair chance of understanding the system very quickly.

And, based on that, a good and competent developper community has risen around OXID in quite a short time.

Magento, for example, might well be closer to the theoretical “Holy Grail” model.

But this exactly is the problem: it is very, very hard to digest!

And even after 18 months there is no real developper comunity around (like it is normally the case with Open Source shop-systems like osc, xtc and Gambio, and now emerging with OXID).

Guess why!!

I am normally not afraid of anything when it comes to software, but I have thrown Magento into the waste-bin after one week, as it is much too complicated to work with.

And with better alternatives like OXID around, why should anybody care and waste his time with it?

The whole isssue is definitely not about the best designed software up to the latest super-duper standard.

But far more about practical shop-software (also from a developers point of view).

So, OXID AG, don’t worry, be happy!

Your task is to please your users (what imo you do), and not some “mighty cool” heavily masturbating wise-guys…

Just switch into “ignore-mode”, and keep on trucking…

[QUOTE=avenger;13063]Apparently there are some “mighty cool” wise-guys heavily masturbating on that topic, arguing on the “Holy Grail” of PHP development.

I think the same… with other words.:rolleyes:

This discussion is senseless for me. Just for read, laugh and forget. After I gone back to normal life.

It listen like somebody wanna design a new software, but working and creating the code should somebody other. Eg. oxid.

Anyway I don`t think that oxid goes actual to broken-by-design.
Maybe to much magic-values…

Go ahead in your way. If you do what some others wanted, then somebody other have critics.
But read critics and [B]think[/B] about never can be wrong.

On the other side, what these guy do is not so bad.
But only negative critic. Positiv examples will be great for learning, too.
For me in a code review will be nice if he describe how the necessary parts works… maybe he do it if the unit-tests are public.:smiley:

[QUOTE=Marco Steinhäuser;12875]Hi,

see Erik’s blog comment:


Ok, I try to bring this thread again on Top.:rolleyes:

Here is a Comment that there is maybe a possibility to make oxid a little faster.
The problem is, that nobody can check all possible mirror-effects and dependicies.

So I think a (unit-)testing is importand and should help to make better quality for 3rd-party-modules.
Remember, if a module crash, the owner of the shop think it was oxid.

[QUOTE=MBa;16302]Ok, I try to bring this thread again on Top.:rolleyes:

Here is a Comment that there is maybe a possibility to make oxid a little faster.
The problem is, that nobody can check all possible mirror-effects and dependicies.

So I think a (unit-)testing is importand and should help to make better quality for 3rd-party-modules.
Remember, if a module crash, the owner of the shop think it was oxid.[/QUOTE]
Why would you be interested to have these results???

This is a tool for quality assurance on OXIDs side, I myself could not care less about it…

Everybody do like he wanna.

For me the result after testing should be ‘pass’.
If not, there is a problem.
Maybe in the changes, maybe in the tests.
Both should be well implemented.

In your solution is a problem with redirecting…
'admin->master settings->core settings->system->other settings->Display Message when Product is added to Cart=>[B]open basket[/B]'
Normally in this case, it should redirected to basket.

So a better solution should be:

if ( $this->getConfig()->getConfigParam( 'iNewBasketItemMessage' ) != 3 ) {
  return $sReturn;

And really I cant check, if there are no other fails. There to many switches in oxid.

If the tests are written nice, they give the information, that something is wrong depending with ‘iNewBasketItemMessage=3’.

Ok, maybe the tests need a url as return value. So the tests need to be fixed.
Its a way to have a software which can grow and maintenaced over years.

However, i think automatic tests helps to have a quality standard in 3rd party modules and save a lot of time.
If you know xtc, you know what I mean.

Hello Markus,

thanks for bringing it up again. We know that this topic is definately important and we did not forget it :slight_smile: We already work on it and hopefully can come up with results in one of the next iterations…
