Update 4.8.1 -> 4.8.3

Next piece of fun, update breaks with the errror

Error: script did not finish successfully.
Please check oxupdatetrack database table for executed actions.

Now if only there was an “oxupdatetrack” i would check there for errors.
There isn’t

ok on the command line it breaks with an error here
PHP Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of ‘250’ reached, aborting! in /web/test_481/updateApp/core/initshop.php on line 32

function getShopBasePath()
    return dirname(__FILE__).'/../../';

No better way of getting the path ?

Ok the updateApp refuses to work either cli or browser based.
But from looking at it, the only update seems to in the sql, so entered that manually into the db

After my attempts to run the update, i broke the whole store, frontend and backend.
Obviously not good, any way to solve the problem, for anyone else looking for help.
I upped my php memory to 1024, and then received the error

[Mon Feb 10 14:22:00 2014] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /web/481/core/oxutilsobject.php on line 692

Which turns out to be this function

protected function _getFromCache( $sModuleVarName, $blSubshopSpecific = true )

Anyway having added a return false at the top of the function, i now have a working shop and admin.