Update from v6.1.3 to v6.1.5


I updated my eshop CE v6.1.3 to v.6.1.5 with commands:
composer update “oxid-esales/oxideshop-metapackage-ce”: “^v6.1.5”,
composer update --no-plugins --no-scripts --no-dev
composer update --no-dev

In eshop start page i can see some changes. But in admin panel : Community Edition 6.1.3. Version 6.1.5 is available.
Why ?

Thanks, Vaidas

You need to follow the whole manual, not just the first step

is it a necessary item ?

Migrating database

The third and final Composer command will migrate the database if necessary.
vendor/bin/oe-eshop-db_migrate migrations:migrate
This completes the updating process.

if you want to update the database, then yes.

After command: vendor/bin/oe-eshop-db_migrate migrations:migrate
“No migrations to execute.”

What more needs to be done ?

whats the version now?

In admin panel : Community Edition 6.1.3

whats in vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/migration/data, are there any files?

I think this line should look like:

composer require oxid-esales/oxideshop-metapackage-ce:v6.1.5 --no-update

I open the file in an editor instead and change the version myself. The caret in the version is not used by oxid anymore.

Next the other 2 lines:

Then migrate command, update views in backend and clear /tmp. The new version will show in backend right after the composer update though. It is quite possible that the migration command returns “no migrations to execute”, this means there are no SQL updates in this update.

Thanks, leofonic, update to v6.1.5 successful !!! Good luck !

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