Where do i find variables, like $products? and how do i get to know, what they contain of info?
Where do i find variables, like $products? and how do i get to know, what they contain of info?
Hi gnomic,
OXID uses object oriented programming, there’s no use of variables like this. Instead, we use getters. Have a look at the source code documentation on http://wiki.oxidforge.org/Documentation/Sourcecode and search for “getProduct” there
When i use the search function, im getting this error : Permission error
[QUOTE=gnomic;114319]When i use the search function, im getting this error : Permission error[/QUOTE]
Don’t hit return, click on “Search”-Button.
Thanks guys
[QUOTE=gnomic;114319]… im getting this error : Permission error[/QUOTE]
click on a shop-version first and use the search within the code-documentation, not the wiki-search