Widgets in OXID 6?

Anybody tried creating module with widget in OXID6?
Where should i define widget in metadata 2.0? In Controller and extends from WidgetController?

Have anoybody got an example of module with widget?

Can you post your medatata.php?

This is link:

Seems ok … did you check, if composer autoloader knows your namespace?

i added:

“autoload”: {
“psr-4”: {
“vendorcatalog\additionalmenulevel\”: “./source/modules/vendorcatalog/additionalmenulevel”

to the main source/composer.json and made composer update and error still shows.
Maybe to make widget i need extend Widget controller?

If i added autoload to main source/composer.json i still need have composer.json in source/modules/vendorcatalog/additionalmenulevel/composer.json beacause i don’t have?

Ok. It’s working now. I clear tmp, turn off and on module and it’s running correct. Thanks!

I meant if composer autoloader (!) know your namspace, not if you added namespace in composer.json :wink:

Great :wink: