Hello International community,
I have setup an Oxid eshop CE (4.3.1_27257 ) on a Widows server and I have a display problem when I’m looking my eshop with Internet explorer 7
On the middle of the sceen, I have the Zend Logo displayed. If I look my eshop with Firefox, all is OK
here’s the result with IE7 :
any idea ?
best Regards
Olivier from Paris
Just check the sourcecode the internet explorer generates. (See attached image)
Looks like the f***ked up Internet Explorer isn´t able to recognise the htmlcomments correctly.
You should remove the whole scoure code für objects you dont need anymore. or you could remove the other comments.
Thats true I didn’t saw the close comments statement. as you said, Internet Explorer is not a good reference !
Thank you Christophe